Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nancy Pelosi is a moron

Also, the Democrats set this economic crisis in motion long ago, Clinton made it worse, and Bush tried to fix it, but was rebuffed by Democrats.

More on reffing and home improvement projects later. That's all for now.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Last Friday, I had my first game back refereeing since spring. It went well. I ran the line in a U12 coed game and didn't really have anything to call, but it was fun. I am at least 10 years older than all the other referees which is a bit odd, but they don't seem to care and I don't care so it works. I also reffed a game Saturday morning. I watched a co-worker's son's game (5 & 6 year olds) and then reffed a 5 & 6 year old game. At that age you're part coach and part ref since you're constantly telling the kids what to do when there's a goal kick, corner kick, throw-in, or really any other call. It's quite fun. I'm listening to a podcast in which Graham Poll, the former English ref who spurred my interest in getting back into refereeing, participates and I've been reflecting on my choice to not referee until now. I enjoy reffing the little kids games and watching them just have fun, but it would be nice to referee at a higher level. I think I'll get to this high school season as last season there were apparently only three refs to do all of the high school games here. For those that don't know you need at least three refs at every high school game, one center and two assistants (formerly known as linesmen). You can have a fourth official to deal with coaches and subs or to just serve as an alternate.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Layout, Softball, & friends

So I gave in to Abby's critique of my layout. She thought it was too dark. I liked it, but I finally agree that it probably was too dark to make reading comfortable.

Also, a new slow pitch softball season is starting up. I was on the fence as to whether I would play, but I'm now managing a team. Go figure. It should be fun though. Most of the guys from the fast pitch team are playing and we mostly picked up the better players from the previous slow pitch team. So we should be more competitive this season. The fast pitch league and this coming slow pitch season will be a good transition for me I think. The previous teams had been Calvary Chapel teams and the fast pitch team wasn't since we really needed more experienced guys. Since we're going to Immanuel Baptist now, this gives me an easy transition to break off that tie. Though I never got called by the guys on the team to do anything unless it had to do with softball anyways, which was the whole problem. I understand it with the older guys, I don't expect them to call me to hang out, but I had hoped playing softball would open that up more. I know I could have done more too, but, eh, it's past now.

It's the first season for these particular Rec Center guys to do the on-base softball league so we'll see how it goes. One of the guys I know from the indoor/outdoor soccer league we had that played on the outdoor roller hockey rink. He headed up the league and was very receptive to rule changes as he had not ever played indoor (or soccer in general I think). He was the same way tonight at the coaches meeting so I think it'll be fine. I just hope the umps show up this time around. We had trouble with that last season. We'd have an ump at one field and the other ump wouldn't show up to the second field.

I'm calling Parks & Rec back to see if they need help with refereeing the kids soccer league. Those games would be on Saturdays Fridays or Saturdays. Just talked with the guy heading up the refereeing. I'm going to go by the games on Friday night and talk with him. It sounds like they mostly have high school kids doing the younger games so we'll see what he needs me to do. I threw my name out there to be a coach, but they didn't call so I assume they got enough parents.

Abby and I went over to Eli and Erin's Sunday night for dinner. We had a lot of fun. I work with Eli on my current project and they go to Immanuel as well so we see them in Sunday school. We get along quite well with both of them which is nice, it's not that awkward couple thing where we like one but not the other or one of us doesn't get along with one of the others. We stayed over for about six hours. Erin made gnocchi and it was great. I had never had it before so that was fun. She also made a lemon/raspberry cake which was quite delicious. Eli brought some in to work today so we all got a treat.

Now we're off to watch Grey's Anatomy. It's a good show. There's some discussion about sex and sleeping around, but the characters are pretty interesting I think. We're only just starting season two though so it could change.