Carlos Velasco Carballo has this game. I guess he did the opening game and had some controversial decisions in it, but apparently the authorities didn't have any problem with him because they gave him a game on the crucial deciding match day for Group B.
16' Carballo really hasn't had much to do, but that was a standard foul. The game has been flowing well. I would say that's more down to the style of both teams than anything else. Neither team is really a dirty or overly physical team. Carballo does seem well positioned.
19' A well worked team goal.
21' Gomez just ran Zimling down from behind.
24' Germany beaten in the air twice. Good goal. Poor defending.
30' Blatant push. Easy call.
31' Agger just doesn't let Müller get up after their slide tackles cancel each other out.
33' It looked like Gomez was watching the ball the whole way, he just mishit it.
34' I think Özil is right. It looked like the defender got the last touch, but he whines about everything so I'm sure his pleas just get lost in the shuffle.
36' At least someone is calling the blocking fouls this tournament. Carballo is right about the position of the foul as well. Kjær was just outside the line when he stopped and checked Müller. Carballo was very well positioned to see the foul and its position outside the box.
Tying one-handed now that baby girl has woken up and joined me.
43' Nothing wrong with Gomez challenging there, but he did catch Andersen.
44' Easy call. Bendtner didn't even try to hide his holding.
First half rating: Good-very good.
47' Good spot on a somewhat hidden deliberate hand ball by Müller. Good positioning by Carballo.
54' Interesting double foul there.
57' I guess that bump by Khedira was considered fair contact. Carballo was right there and saw it. I think the far side assistant got that call wrong. Poulson looked like he was onside but it was close.
58' There wasn't any reason for Carballo to wave "get up" to Müller. He wasn't looking for a call. He slipped a bit and never looked for the call. I didn't see any other German players calling for a foul either.
64' Good spot. Schweinsteiger won the ball; Bendtner missed it and caught Schweinsteiger instead.
65' Müller was somewhat impeded by Kjær, but he'd already misplayed the ball which was almost to the keeper. Not enough for me to be a foul.
67' What a great through ball. Good shot by the substitute Schürrle and a great save by Andersen.
75' Easy call for the foul on Agger.
76' It looked like Badstuber did grab a bit of Bendtner's jersey. I'm not entirely certain that's the reason he missed the shot. The initial delay just getting in the way a bit by Badstuber seemed like it did more than the very short grab and wasn't worthy of a foul in my opinion. Regular contact that has been let play all game. Even the jersey pull is iffy for me. I don't know if it really did anything. Seeing the replay now, I'm not sure but it did look like it delayed Bendtner enough to put him off.
78' Khedira is correct. He should have had a corner. Carballo missed that. I don't know that it was bad positioning though. It was just some bad luck and Khedira's reaction I think. He acted like he had mishit the ball. Either way the goal line referee should have been able to see that.
80' Bender's goal is a good example of why you should always hustle and follow up balls in the box. He wasn't the target of the cross, but he got it because of his hard work.
82' It looked like Gomez did take an elbow on that play, but Carballo had already turned his head to watch the ball. I don't think it was intentional but I'm sure it still hurt.
88' Neuer is playing with fire.
89' Bendtner did control that with his arm deliberately. He had more than enough time to move it.
90'+1 Good advantage play for the foul on Klose.
90'+2 Fairly easy offside call on Klose.
90'+3 Another easy offside call. This time on Schürrle. Agger was about 5 yards offside: easy call.
Match rating: Very good. 7.5/10. Carballo really didn't have a lot to do, but he was well positioned for most plays. His assistants did well. The one really close decision didn't go the attacker's way, but it was pretty close. He missed a few minor calls and one potentially major call in the shirt grab by Badstuber on Bendtner at 76'. I had to see several replays to figure it out so I can't fault Carballo too much. Badstuber really hid his foul well and the play went quickly away from Carballo. For me that foul is a good case for replay and not a reason to castigate Carballo. is sending me a sample!
8 years ago
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