Howard Webb centers with his assistants Darren Cann and Michael Mullarkey. England are out of the World Cup and while I'm sure Webb will be upset, he now has a chance at refereeing the final if he does well here. Hopefully they can avoid missing any goals or offside calls. Good luck!
5' Poor shot by Fabiano, but a good start to the game by all three teams. Not much for Webb's team to do yet though.
12' Didn't see the foul by Silva, but it looked like it was probably a push-off.
18' Easy call for the foul on Robinho by Carmona.
20' Good non-call on the fall by Beausejour. No protestations from him either. I don't know whether the teams know that Webb and his team are unlikely to fall for dives and exaggeration or whether the teams just haven't had good opportunities to try their acting.
22' Good advantage played for Kaka.
24' Easy call for the corner, but Beausejour was lucky his errant shot happened to flick off of Maicon.
25' Good spot on the push by Isla on Lucio. Webb also asserts his authority well in not letting Lucio whine at him too vigorously.
26' Easy call for the over-the-back foul on Alves. Webb asked them to wait for the whistle and they didn't.
27' Lucio went down very theatrically and I would imagine that is the reason a penalty wasn't given. There wasn't much in that contact either. I think the best argument for it not being a penalty is that Lucio didn't whine and moan like he normally does.
29' Good advantage. Bad striker's challenge. Late and nowhere near the ball. Easy yellow there for Kaka.
32' No foul on Bastos there, he just lost the ball. Good (non) call.
33' Easy call for the late kick on Alves. Maicon was lucky he didn't get carded for diving. He started going down well before he got to the Chilean sandwich.
36' Easy call for the push by Bastos. Webb did well to deal with Ramirez walking away with the ball too, "no more" is pretty clear and the hand gesture needs no translation.
37' What a flop by Beausejour.
38' Uh oh. That looked like Fabiano was offside. Nope, easily onside. Great call by the near side assistant. Daniel even clapped for the replay of Fabiano's goal.
41' Good spot on the jersey pull on Kaka.
42' Easy call there even if somewhat accidental.
43' Robinho was all over Vidal there.
45' Good advantage.
47' Easy yellow for Vidal. He got beat and just blocked Kaka off a good attack.
49' Fabiano just fell over. I'm not sure if he was looking for a call or not.
51' That was a foul by Gilberto on Valdivia, but the extra acting on the reaction was unnecessary. Webb was well placed and didn't look to be influenced by the acting.
53' Gilberto put his hands on Sanchez, but he went over quite easily. Could've gone either way.
54' Fabiano whines a lot. No replay to see if there was anything there, but he makes the most of every bit of contact which works against him. Since he whines at everything, even if there was something in that aerial challenge, it's a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" situation.
57' Good call by the near side assistant for the foul by Suazo on Juan. His arm came out ever so slightly and the assistant did well to spot it.
59' Easy call for the tackle from behind on Alves.
63' Millar got up quickly and didn't roll around which benefited him and Chile.
65' That could have gone either way. It did look like Fabiano started it off with Millar responding by holding his jersey.
68' Easy call for the foul by Fuentes on Fabiano. Didn't see the yellow at first, but replay shows a well spotted elbow in that interchange.
71' That was a dumb foul by Ramirez and an easy yellow. Sanchez' rolling around was, again, completely unnecessary.
74' Good close call Robinho was onside.
76' An easy call, Robinho was clearly offside on that play.
78' Sanchez says he took that on his chest, but he clearly handled that ball deliberately and Webb was right there to spot it.
80' Easy call for the foul by Millar and the yellow. Nilmar didn't need to react like he did though.
81' Webb does well to have a word with Nilmar as that might have been a little bit of retaliation.
86' It was a foul by Alves.
87' Sanchez should probably watch his mouth. He keeps jawing at Webb over every call, but then, he's not going to be playing anymore and any card he gets won't bother him.
88' Easy call for the foul by Vidal.
89' Sanchez looks like he has a hot temper. Bastos wasn't doing anything terrible. There's no reason for Vidal and Sanchez to push him.
Overall rating: Excellent. 9/10. Webb and his team were in great form. They got all the offside calls correct and did well for the throw-ins and corners/goal kicks. Webb did well to ignore flopping while calling actual fouls regardless of the fouled player's reaction. I would be very surprised if Webb didn't get another game, possibly the final, but I'm not sure the procedure for refs from here on out. Would they have him do a Quarterfinal and then the final? Surely they wouldn't have him do a semi-final and the final. Good luck to Webb, Cann, and Mullarkey! is sending me a sample!
8 years ago
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